How to Learn Lincoln-Douglas discussion.
Lincoln-Douglas discussion could be a one-on-one rhetorical competition format sculpturesque once historic debates between Chief Executive and Sir Leslie Stephen A. Douglas. learn the way to participate. you may want A rhetorical competition analysis Associate in Nursing opponent intensive analysis 3-by-5 index cards Pens or pencils and a legal pad.
Step 1.
Choose the affirmative or negative facet of a given topic. A Lincoln-Douglas format could be a discussion judged on the ethical validity of 1 ideal over Associate in Nursing opposing ideal. different discussion formats area unit judged on the additional employment of a discussion position.
Step 2.
Research your stance. Write notes with supply citations on 3-by-5 index cards, to be used as proof throughout the controversy.
Step 3.
Use a legal pad control horizontally to form a Lincoln-Douglas discussion flow diagram. Divide the page or pages into seven sections, one for every spherical of the controversy. Before collaborating within the discussion, fill in your side's proof points within the applicable sections on the flow diagram. Leave the opponent's sections empty for note-taking throughout the controversy.
Step 4.
State your position clearly and support it with 3 or additional facts throughout the gap
round if you are affirmative.
Step 5.
Aim your queries at your opponent's gap statement with a method that points out flaws and negative implications of your opponent's position if you are negative.
Step 6.
Present your opposing statement clearly with supporting facts throughout the gap spherical if you are negative.
Step 7.
Cross-examine the opponent's negative position if you are affirmative. examination rounds in Lincoln-Douglas format debates generally have three-minute closing dates.
Step 8.
Make a rebuttal speech if you are affirmative.
This four-minute rebuttal spherical can serve to build your case.
Step 9.
Make your rebuttal speech if you are negative.
The negative rebuttal spherical contains a six- or seven-minute limit.
Step 10.
State your final case in a very three- or four-minute rebuttal of your opponent's negative position if you are affirmative.
Did you recognize legislator Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton challenged legislator Barack Obama to a Lincoln-Douglas format discussion throughout the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries.
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